State Court Criminal Database by County

State court criminal records in a county are searched. The report includes felony and misdemeanor convictions and pending cases within the last seven years. The information reported generally consists of an offense date, nature of offense, type of crime, disposition date, and status. The customer will pay any court-imposed fees.


Statewide Criminal Check

The Statewide Criminal Check is a search of a state’s official criminal history repository managed, maintained, and made available through a state agency. This product includes, but is not limited to, records of arrests, criminal activity, final dispositions, level of crime (i.e., traffic, misdemeanor, felony, etc.), dates of court events, probation, community service, and jail time. We recommend that Statewide Criminal Checks be used in conjunction with State Court Criminal Database by County searches.


Criminal Activity Monitoring

This monitoring provides employers with a near-real-time report when an employee is booked or incarcerated by county or municipal law enforcement agencies. With continuous access to live data obtained by a direct interface with thousands of sheriff’s departments, county jails, and booking facilities, the service notifies you when an employee is booked or incarcerated after an arrest. This allows the employer to investigate whether the circumstances should affect the individual’s employment status.


State Sex Offender

This option searches a state Sex Offender Registry and reports sex-related criminal convictions within the last seven years, subject to legal limitations. Typically, reported information includes the full name of the offender, the classification of the offense, and the offender’s last known address; however, since the criminal history information supplied by states may vary, the level of detail about offenders may likewise vary.


National Criminal Database

The National Criminal Database search helps identify criminal records reported in a proprietary national database. This database covers over 500 million records, including, but not limited to, state criminal records and prison, parole, and release files from state departments of corrections, administrative offices of the courts, and other state agencies. We recommend using this product in conjunction with State Court Criminal Database by County and/or State Law Enforcement searches.


National Sex Offender & Violent Abuse Registry

A National Sex Offender and Violent Abuse Registry search is a comprehensive review of sexual predators and sexual offenders as reported to a national sex offender registry. It is state or local in scope and is provided by private and public governmental entities. The results contain state and county criminal sexual offense records along with prison, parole, and release files from state departments of corrections, administrative offices of courts, and other state agencies. We recommend using these types of inquiries in conjunction with State Court Criminal Database by County searches.


Extended Global Sanctions

Hundreds of domestic and international watch lists and expanded international sanction searches are updated every 24 hours to yield the most complete information possible in one search.

The expanded international sanctions search helps organizations reduce employee-related risk, promote regulatory compliance, and streamline hiring by consolidating all required watch lists into one search. With instant access to hundreds of U.S. and foreign watch list sources, the expanded international sanctions search also includes an in-depth politically exposed persons database. To ensure that employers can access current and comprehensive information, watch lists included in the expanded international sanctions search are refreshed every 24 hours, as opposed to the weekly or monthly update schedules of other providers.


Enhanced Nationwide Screening

This includes a countrywide criminal records search using the employee’s current residence PLUS a multi-jurisdictional search covering all 50 states and including over 600 million current and historical felony convictions and misdemeanor convictions and currently registered sex offenders. At no additional cost, state criminal searches (by county or statewide) will also be conducted whenever needed to verify the information.


Fraud Abuse Control Information System

Used for candidates employed by groups that receive government funds for state or federal healthcare programs, Fraud Abuse Control Information System (FACIS) Level 1M screens employees for federal and state exclusions and debarments. It is the required minimum compliance search for these industries.

FACIS Level 1M background checks exceed the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Compliance Program guidance establishing minimum standards. They include the Systems for Award Management (SAM) and the Department of Health and Human Services OIG List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) federal databases.

The most comprehensive search, the FACIS Level 3 background check, includes all federal and state-level sanctions data and exclusions. More than 3,500 primary sources (including 2,500 state sources with state sanctioning boards from all 56 U.S. jurisdictions) produce this information, which spans all provider types. Federal district attorney general, HEAT Task Force, Medicaid exclusion/opt-out lists, state attorney general lists, state contractor disqualification/debarment lists, and state Medicaid exclusions are all examples of state sources.


Global Criminal Search

Worldwide searches reveal offenses in previous countries of residence. The availability of the report is based on the laws and regulations of other nations. The information produced by global criminal searches typically consists of the following:

  • Offense date
  • File date
  • Case number
  • Type of charge
  • Trial date
  • Dates of conviction
  • Sentence
  • Dispositions
  • Trial date

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